How to Build FIX API Trading Platform

To establish a trading platform, the first step involves preparing the backend system for transmitting market quotes and processing order executions, commonly referred to as the white label system. These white label products often come with a hefty price tag, sometimes costing several thousand dollars per month. Fortunately, by subscribing to our paid consulting services, we offer interface resources to assist subscribers in building their white label platforms. Moreover, any software or hardware installed and constructed through our interfaces is provided free of charge. It’s essential to note that in the event of service subscription termination, any software or hardware generated by the associated interface resources will be deleted.


Required Steps:

1. Create Broker

Firstly, you need to create the white label system database and trading backend. Please proceed to the following page and submit the form.

Create Broker



2. Run the Shell Command

Next, you will need to set up your own cloud server to connect to the white label system backend we just created for you. Typically, a cloud server with dual CPUs, 4GB of RAM, and a monthly cost around $20 is suitable for accommodating up to 200 simultaneous user connections.

Following that, please have your technical staff remotely log in to the cloud server and execute the following command to install the necessary server-side proxy plugins.

Before executing this command, it’s crucial to set up your DNS to point your domain name to the cloud server you’ve purchased. Since your main domain should start with ‘www,’ I recommend using a subdomain like ‘’ to direct to this cloud server. You will be asked to input a subdomain for the WEB Trader client package. I recommend using a subdomain like ‘’ to direct to this cloud server. You will also be asked to enter an email address; please use the same email address you used to register here for your subscription.

curl > && bash


3. Whitelist IP

Then, you’ll need to set up a whitelist to allow our white label system to recognize traffic from your cloud server as secure access. This operation can be performed on the following page. Please enter the public IP address of the cloud server you purchased in the designated field.

Whitelist IP

Optional Steps:

If you want to deploy the WEB Trader client package on a different cloud server, please follow the instructions in the guide(optional steps). Otherwise, no any action is needed.

Next, please download the client platform software package from the following link and deploy it on your website.

This website should be different from the cloud server mentioned earlier, typically with a domain like or Typically, this involves another separate cloud server. This server not only hosts the trading platform client software package but also includes web pages for promotion. Please consult with your technical staff for the specific software configuration required for this server.

Visit the following page to send an email with the download links, then download the js files and replace the /js/cc/regular.js and /js/cc/brokers.js files in the software package.

Send Link


The email address you use to register on this website will be directly linked to the registration email address of the trading platform’s superuser. You will receive a verification code to confirm the validity of your email address. After verification, you will receive your account details, including the account ID and password. It’s important to note that the administrator verification email is completed before the construction of the client platform. In case of a longer interval, the verification code may expire. Please use the ‘Password Reset’ or ‘Forgot Password’ option to activate your account.

You might be wondering how all system configurations are submitted through forms, and what does that have to do with FIX API? This brings us to the issue of hedging risk. Since the free interface resources provided through this consulting service generate trades based on a B-book model, there comes a point where risk exposure needs to be hedged through a trading channel. This is why we offer the FIX API Trading Platform Individual Version. Please download the FIX API Trading Platform Individual Version from the link below. The Individual Version will run on your personal PC or a private cloud server (separate from the aforementioned cloud servers). We provide EAs (Expert Advisors) that can help track risk exposure and automatically place hedging orders.

Additionally, you will need to set up an SMTP email service and a payment gateway. Both of these aspects will be covered in separate articles.